People Pave the Way at Yonge & Eglinton — Jane's Walk
Toronto Area Walks:
People Pave the Way at Yonge & Eglinton
Guided by Anne Johnston Health Station

What does accessibility mean to you? It’s more than just curb cuts and ramps. The sidewalk width and grade, or shop entrance and aisle widths can make a huge difference. Is a bathroom really accessible if it fits a wheelchair yet has no automatic door opener? Good lighting, easily defined steps, and smooth pavements all add to how easily and safely a person moves around their neighbourhood.
The Anne Johnston Health Station will lead an accessibility walk in the Yonge & Eglinton area. Through sharing their personal stories, both long-time residents and newcomers to the community will introduce walkers to who Anne Johnston was and why the Health Station is named after her, as well as provide a history of the neighbourhood. In addition, drawing on Jane Jacobs’ principles, they will outline how the neighbourhood has seen changes in accessibility over the years, and draw attention to the current state and future goals of accessibility and people friendliness in the community.
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